Frank M
First Officer
Current Location
Home Airport
Member Since
Apr 2024
Flight Time
29h 24m
Total Distance
9,348 nm
Airports Visited
Total Flights
Flight Route Details
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Airline Statistics
Airline Flights Flight Time Distance Avg Landing Rate
Transavia 5 21h 29m 7,435 nm -260.03 ft/min
Air France 4 5h 43m 1,351 nm -226.42 ft/min
British Airways 1 2h 12m 562 nm -457.62 ft/min
Date Flight Route Time Distance Landing Rate Score Status
2024-04-24 TRA 5748 GMMN - EHAM 3h 24m 1,256.5 nm -362.4 ft/min 100 ARR
2024-04-24 TRA 5747 EHAM - GMMN 3h 46m 1,256.5 nm -234.5 ft/min 98 ARR
2024-04-21 TRA 6424 LPPD - EHAM 4h 14m 1,542.7 nm -231.4 ft/min 100 ARR
2024-04-21 TRA 6423 EHAM - LPPD 4h 28m 1,542.7 nm -288.9 ft/min 95 ARR
2024-04-20 BAW 333 LFMN - EGLL 2h 12m 562.1 nm -457.6 ft/min 90 ARR
2024-04-18 AFR 1141 EHAM - LFPG 1h 0m 215.1 nm -172.2 ft/min 80 ARR
2024-04-18 AFR 1140 LFPG - EHAM 1h 5m 215.1 nm -254.8 ft/min 95 ARR
2024-04-18 AFR 1083 LKPR - LFPG 1h 30m 460.2 nm -130.1 ft/min 95 ARR
2024-04-18 AFR 1082 LFPG - LKPR 2h 8m 460.2 nm -348.6 ft/min 100 ARR
2024-04-16 TRA 6506 OJAI - EHAM 5h 37m 1,836.9 nm -183.0 ft/min 93 ARR